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Université Hassan 1er

The Faculty of Science and Technology at Hassan 1er University is represented by the director of the LIDEALL research laboratory, Professor Mohammed Raj, and Professor Khalil Moussafir, educational coordinator at Hassan 1er University.

The Laboratory for Research in Didactic Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Arts, Languages and Literatures (LIDEALL) brings together a multidisciplinary team of researchers in the humanities and social sciences and is interested, among other things, in issues of sociolinguistics and foreign language didactics in relation to didactic engineering. More specifically, LIDEALL is interested in the implementation and development of language teaching systems at university level.

In addition, new orientations such as specialised languages, teaching for specific purposes and university teaching have given rise to new issues that help to focus thinking and provide an effective response to the new needs arising from the reality on the ground. It is precisely because of the increase and diversity of student mobility that LIDEALL has taken an interest in intercultural issues.

There are many and varied didactic systems and ‘models’ for teaching languages in higher education. Attention is focused on the University (UHP) as an appropriate framework for theoretical and didactic reflection.

At the same time, the laboratory is also beginning to focus on discourse analysis, particularly in view of the emergence of new forms of discourse that call into question the relationship between language and society.

Some works related to the ICARET theme

  • Contribution to the XIIIth GLAT International Colloquium The Connected World and Intercultural Approaches: Towards a New Paradigm of Borders? First collaboration with the ICARET project leader.
  • International cooperation language programmes, in particular the partnership between Hassan 1er University and the Haute école d’Hénallux in Belgium, France (Angers, Lyon, etc.), Spain, etc.
  • Organisation of scientific events International colloquium at Hassan 1 University (UH1)  »What assessment of language teaching systems in the era of soft skills? The case of Hassan 1er University – Settat »
  • Publication of the French language reference framework, Tremplin pour l’enseignement/apprentissage du français langue universitaire (Springboard for the teaching/learning of French as a university language), drawn up at UH1 level in collaboration with the team of teacher-researchers at Hénallux. This document focuses on French as a ‘university language’ (FLU).

The UH1 / Hénallux partnership has enabled several Erasmus and WBI (Wallonie-Bruxelles internationale) projects to be set up with various faculties:

  • Research-action aimed at improving the teaching of French as a foreign language (FLE) for first-year students at UH1
  • Organisation for three years of a « Quinzaine de la langue française » (French Language Fortnight) 2014 / 15 and 16 (Pr. Khalil MOUSSAFIR educational coordinator at the UH1);
  • Editing a methodological guide, coordinating and editing issue 2017-2 of the journal Le langage et l’Homme published by l’Harmattan: « Enseigner/Apprendre le français à l’université. Quelles applications pour la perspective actionnelle?  From individual construction to collective action ».

Hassan 1er University has a successful track record in university governance with European universities in France, Belgium, Spain, etc., as part of international programmes such as Erasmus, WBI, the Tempus RECET project (development of an institutional evaluation system in 14 Moroccan universities).