Basics of Algorithmics

Algorithmics – Session 1

  • What is an algorithm?
  • Values, variables and constants
  • Algorithmic statements
  • Recap of the session

What is an algorithm?

A possible definition

  • An algorithm is a solution to a specific problem that takes a set of values as input and produces a value as a result

  • This solution is realised by a sequence of algorithmic statements applied to the input data to produce the final result value

Values, variables and constants

Values in an algorithm


  • 34, 1.09, “IMT Atlantique” or false are values that can be integrated into calculus

  • For instance, 34 * 1.09 to get the conversion into euros of 34 dollars using a rate of 1.09


  • Variables are names that refer to values, while constants are fixed

  • Always favor variables over reuses of the same value

  • Values have an associated type, which defines possible operations on them

  • Programming languages define several elementary types (booleans, integers, real numbers, strings, etc.) and allow us to create your own composite types

  • Data structures allow to group simple types into collections

Values, variables and constants

Types of values

Types of variables

The type of a variable determines:

  • Which operations can be applied on it
  • The space used in memory to store its associated value
  • If its value may evolve


  • A mutable variable can change:

    • my_list[i] = 5 $\rightarrow$ my_list remains the same variable
  • A non-mutable variable cannot change:

    • my_int = 5 $\rightarrow$ my_int is a new variable, possibly hiding another variable my_int
    • my_tuple[i] = 5 $\rightarrow$ Will crash, as tuples are non-mutable

Algorithmic statements

Basic toolbox

Essential elements

  • Defining variables / assigning values (e.g., a = 34 * nb)
  • Operators on variables
  • Conditions
  • Loops

A bit of sugar

Algorithmic statements

Control statements


Conditional statements (if) are used to split the sequential execution of the algorithm based on a Boolean condition:

if estimated_value - real_value < epsilon: 
    print("Estimation found:", estimated_value)

A few alternate syntaxes (see match doc):

if est - real < eps: 
    print("Estimation found:", est)
elif est - real < 2 * eps: 
    print("Less precise:", est)
match est - real:
    case 0 | 2 | 4: print("Even difference")
    case 6 | 8:     print("Higher even difference")
    case 3:         print("Difference of 3")
    case float():   print("Real difference")
    case  _ :       print("Something else")

Algorithmic statements

Control statements


Loops make it possible to define cycles in the execution flow of an algorithm

# Initialize a few variables
v = [1, 5, -5, 15, 0]
max_v = v[O] if len(v) > 0 else None

# A bounded loop
# Wll iterate len(v) times
for i in range(len(v)):
    if v[i] > max_v:
        max_v = v[i] 
# Initialize a few variables
v = [1, 5, -5, 15, 0]
max_v = v[O] if len(v) > 0 else None
i = 0

# An unbounded loop
# Will iterate until condition is false
while i < len(v):
    if v[i] > max_v:
        max_v = v[i] 
    i += 1

An invariant is used to prove by induction that a loop effectively reaches an expected state from an initial state

# This test should be true at any iteration of the loop
max_v == max(v[:i])

Recap of the session

Main elements to remember

An algorithm is a solution to a specific problem that takes a set of values as input and produces a value as a result

  • Algorithms are series of operations on variables, conditions and loops

  • Unbounded loops can lead to infinite execution, so check your condition carefully

  • Always favor variables over reuses of the same value

  • Be aware of the types and mutabilities of variables

Recap of the session

What’s next?

Practical activity (~1h15)

Solving problems with algorithms

  • Combining algorithmic statements
  • Focus on loops

After the session

  • Review the articles of the session
  • Check your understanding with the quiz
  • Complete the practical activity
  • Check next session’s “Before the class” section