An algorithm is a solution to a specific problem that takes a set of values as input and produces a value as a result
This solution is realised by a sequence of algorithmic statements applied to the input data to produce the final result value
34, 1.09, “IMT Atlantique” or false are values that can be integrated into calculus
For instance, 34 * 1.09 to get the conversion into euros of 34 dollars using a rate of 1.09
Variables are names that refer to values, while constants are fixed
Always favor variables over reuses of the same value
Values have an associated type, which defines possible operations on them
Programming languages define several elementary types (booleans, integers, real numbers, strings, etc.) and allow us to create your own composite types
Data structures allow to group simple types into collections
The type of a variable determines:
A mutable variable can change:
my_list[i] = 5
$\rightarrow$ my_list
remains the same variableA non-mutable variable cannot change:
my_int = 5
$\rightarrow$ my_int
is a new variable, possibly hiding another variable my_int
my_tuple[i] = 5
$\rightarrow$ Will crash, as tuples are non-mutablea = 34 * nb
)Conditional statements (if
) are used to split the sequential execution of the algorithm based on a Boolean condition:
if estimated_value - real_value < epsilon:
print("Estimation found:", estimated_value)
A few alternate syntaxes (see match
if est - real < eps:
print("Estimation found:", est)
elif est - real < 2 * eps:
print("Less precise:", est)
match est - real:
case 0 | 2 | 4: print("Even difference")
case 6 | 8: print("Higher even difference")
case 3: print("Difference of 3")
case float(): print("Real difference")
case _ : print("Something else")
Loops make it possible to define cycles in the execution flow of an algorithm
# Initialize a few variables
v = [1, 5, -5, 15, 0]
max_v = v[O] if len(v) > 0 else None
# A bounded loop
# Wll iterate len(v) times
for i in range(len(v)):
if v[i] > max_v:
max_v = v[i]
# Initialize a few variables
v = [1, 5, -5, 15, 0]
max_v = v[O] if len(v) > 0 else None
i = 0
# An unbounded loop
# Will iterate until condition is false
while i < len(v):
if v[i] > max_v:
max_v = v[i]
i += 1
An invariant is used to prove by induction that a loop effectively reaches an expected state from an initial state
# This test should be true at any iteration of the loop
max_v == max(v[:i])
An algorithm is a solution to a specific problem that takes a set of values as input and produces a value as a result
Algorithms are series of operations on variables, conditions and loops
Unbounded loops can lead to infinite execution, so check your condition carefully
Always favor variables over reuses of the same value
Be aware of the types and mutabilities of variables