Properties of algorithms

Algorithmics – Session 4

  • Algorithmic complexity
  • Binary search tree
  • Randomized algorithms

Algorithmic complexity

How to measure the performance of an algorithm?

What kind of performance?

  • Intituively, we are interested in capturing the speed and the space that an algorithm takes on your computer.

  • Constraint – The performances measures should be machine independent.


  • Solution – For an input of a given size, count the number of fixed-time operations taken by the algorithm to finish.

  • Depending on the studied algorithms you can focus on other types of measures such as the size of memory taken, number of rounds, the number of messages exchanged.

$\rightarrow$ For the rest of the course, we will focus on the speed of an algorithm.

Algorithmic complexity

Why this constraint?


  • The time taken by an algorithm may vary from one execution to another.


  • System resources availability (like CPU, memory, and disk access).
  • Background processes running concurrently.
  • Caching effects.
  • Randomized execution.

Algorithmic complexity


  • There are several methods to complexity analysis:

    • Pessimistic analysis – The most studied one, only focuses on worst-case scenario.
    • Average analysis – Usually an upper bound on the average time taken by an algorithm. Classical in machine learning.
    • In both cases, we are focusing in computing lower-bound (what can we hope), and upper-bound (what we have achieved).
  • The complexity of an algorithm is always related to a measurable input:

    • Size of the data to process.
    • Number of computers to reach.

Algorithmic complexity

Main categories of complexity

  • When we do a pessimistic analysis, we usually want to ignore constant factors and low order terms.

  • Notations – Upper bounds ($O$), lower bounds ($\Omega$), tight bounds ($\Theta$).

Approximate time on a 1 GHz single-core machine

Input $(n)$ Constant $\Theta(1)$ Log. $\Theta(log(n))$ Linear $\Theta(n)$ Log-linear $\Theta(n\times log(n))$
1000 1 ≈ 10 1000 ≈ 10,000
Time 1 ns 10 ns 1 μs 10 μs
Input $(n)$ Quadratic $\Theta(n^2)$ Polynomial $\Theta(n^c)$ Exponential $\Theta(2^n)$
1000 1,000,000 $1000^c$ $2^{1000}$$10^{301}$
Time 1 ms $10^{3c−9}$ s $10^{281}$ millennia

Binary search tree

Why do we need a new data structure?

An example

  • Challenge – Scheduling machine learning jobs in a high-performance computing cluster, where jobs have varying urgency based on factors like deadlines, computational needs, and impact.

  • Scenario – Urgent jobs (e.g., medical diagnosis model fine-tuning) should receive resources before less critical jobs (e.g., movie recommendation model training), regardless of submission time.

  • Question – How to efficiently prioritize and select the most urgent job as new jobs continuously arrive in the system?

What do you think?

  • Which data structure would you choose to easily add new jobs and quickly remove the most urgent?

  • Why is it a bad idea to store jobs in a list or in a sorted list?

Binary search tree


Binary search tree property

  • We say that a binary tree satisfies the binary search tree property if for every node:

    • Keys in a node’s left subtree are less than the key stored at the node.
    • Keys in the node’s right subtree are greater than the key stored at the node.

Binary search tree

How to use it?

Classical operations

  • Insertion – Add a new node while maintaining the BST property.
  • Search – Find a node by traversing from the root, following left or right based on key comparison.
  • Deletion – Remove a node and adjust the tree to maintain the BST property, handling cases like no children, one child, or two children.
  • Traversal – Visit all nodes in a specific order (in-order, pre-order, post-order) to process or display the tree’s contents.
  • Finding minimum/maximum – Find the minimum (leftmost node) or maximum (rightmost node) value in the tree.


The complexity of all these operations is of $O(h)$, where $h$ is the height of the tree.

Randomized algorithms

What is a randomized algorithm?

Probabilistic algorithm

  • An algorithm that generates a random number $r \in \{ 1, \ldots, R \}$ and makes decisions based on the value of $r$.

  • Note that given the same input on different executions, a randomized algorithm may:

    • Run a different number of steps.
    • Produce a different output.

Types of Probabilistic Algorithms

  • Monte-Carlo – Polynomial time, correct with high probability:

    • Used when exact correctness is not essential, but performance is critical.
    • e.g., $pi$ estimation from randomly generated points in the unit square.
  • Las-Vegas – Expected polynomial time, always correct:

    • Used when correctness is non-negotiable, but performance may be variable.
    • e.g., find a location of a 1 in large and sparse binary vector using randomly generated indexes.

Recap of the session

What’s next?

Practical activity (~2h30)

Complexities of operations on lists and BSTs

  • Determine complexities of algorithms
  • Compare complexities
  • Manipulate BSTs
  • Manipulate random numbers

After the session

  • Review the articles of the session
  • Check your understanding with the quiz
  • Complete the practical activity
  • Check next session’s “Before the class” section


  • Not yet, but get ready for a MCQ during session 6
  • Revise everything up to session 4 included