Artificial intelligence

Programming – Session 5

  • OOP and ML using sklearn
  • Model ensembling
  • Hyperparameters tuning

OOP and ML using sklearn

Using sklearn for ML models?

Training phase

  • The training phase is implemented using a method that must be called first on model m
  • It sets up the parameters of the model using the training data

Inference phase

  • Supervised learning: A m.predict(X) method is used to generate predictions of labels using data X
  • Unsupervised learning: A m.transform(X) method may be defined to put data into a new space (e.g., distances to clusters, or a new coordinate system)
  • In the specific case of clustering, the class may also implement a m.predict(X) method to assign cluster labels to input data
  • A m.score(X, y) method may also be implemented to generate a performance measure given data and labels

Model ensembling

Many models voting


  • Aggregate the predicitions of (many) different classifiers to boost overall performance


  • The different classifiers need to be trained independently
  • Ideally, each classifier is trained on a different subset of the training dataset


  • Inference is performed separately on each classifier
  • The final prediction is a majority vote between the predicitions of all the classifiers

Hyperparameters tuning

What are hyperparameters?


  • Hyperparameters (HP) are used to setup machine learning algorithms
  • A few examples from algorithmics session 6:
    • Number of nearest neighbors ($K$) to consider for a $K$-NN
    • Number of clusters in ($K$) in $K$-means
  • HP can be difficult to find, motivating the need for methods that can search for best HP


  • HP are different from the parameters of the model, which are learned during the training phase

Hyperparameters tuning

Finding values for hyperparameters

Grid search with cross-validation

  • A “grid” of hyperparameters is defined using all possibilities of parameter combinations (e.g., a range of values of $K$ for a KNN)
  • We consider that the grid contains $P$ possibilities
  • Cross-validation (CV):

    • Generate $P$ train and test subsets using the original training dataset
    • Keep the model and HP that achieves the best score of the validation subset

  • Many other methods exist to tune hyperparameters, such as random search (see articles)

Recap of the session

Main elements to remember

  • Tools such as sklearn use object-oriented programming to define classes that are well suited to machine learning

  • Model ensembling methods combine multiple models to improve the quality of predictions

  • Hyperparameter tuning is the process of finding the best hyperparameters for a model

  • Many approaches exist for ensembling and hyperparameter tuning (check the articles for more details)

Recap of the session

What’s next?

Practical activity (~2h30)

OOP & sklearn

  • Use OOP and sklearn to implement ensembling
  • Tune hyperparameters

After the session

  • Review the articles of the session
  • Check your understanding with the quiz
  • Complete the non-optional practical activity
  • Check next session’s “Before the class” section


  • Get ready for the final evaluation
  • Everything in algo 1–5 and prog 1–4