g.vertices # Gives you a list of vertices in the graph
g.nb_vertices # Gives you the number of vertices in the graph
g.edges # Gives you the list of edges in the graph
g.nb_edges # Gives you the number of edges in the graph
g.add_vertex(v) # Adds vertex v to the graph
g.add_edge(v1, v2, w) # Adds an edge of weight w between v1 and v2
g.get_neighbors(v) # Gives you the neighbors of v in the graph
g.get_weight(v1, v2) # Gives you the weight of edge between v1 and v2
g.remove_vertex(v) # Removes vertex v and all edges attached to it from the graph
g.remove_edge(v1, v2) # Removes edge between v1 and v2 from the graph
g.is_connected() # Indicates if the graph is connected
g.has_edge(v1, v2) # Indicates if an edge exists between vertices v1 and v2
g.edge_is_symmetric(v1, v2) # Indicates if edge from v1 to v2 can be used to go from v2 to v1
g.minimum_spanning_tree() # Gives you a minimum spanning tree for the graph
g.as_dict() # Gives you a dictionary representation of the graph
g.as_numpy_ndarray() # Gives you a matrix representation of the graph (as a numpy.ndarray)
g.as_torch_tensor() # Gives you a matrix representation of the graph (as a torch.tensor)