Catch multiple pieces of cheese

Project – Session 4

  • Algorithm complexity
  • Problem complexity & NP-completeness
  • The traveling salesman problem
  • Bruteforce & backtracking to solve NP-complete problems

Algorithm complexity

How to compare algorithms efficiency?

Measure execution time

  • Needs to run the program
  • Dependent on hardware, programming language, other running processes…

Something more abstract: complexity

  • Number of operations as a function of the input size $n$
  • We use the $O(\cdot)$ notation, e.g., $O(n)$, $O(n^2)$, $O(n!)$

$\rightarrow$ Independent of hardware, programming language…

$\rightarrow$ Does not need the program to be run

  • Examples – DFS/DFS: $O(|E|)$ ; Dijkstra: $O(|E| + |V| \cdot log(|V|))$

Algorithm complexity

Comparing algorithms using complexity

$$O(n) < O(n^2)$$

$$O(n) = O(123456789 \cdot n)$$

$$O(n^2) = O(n^2 + n)$$

$$O(n^{10000}) < O(n!)$$


  • Compare asymptotic behavior
  • We are interested in worst-case complexity, i.e., estimation in the least favorable case

Problem complexity & NP-completeness

From algorithm complexity to problem complexity

The complexity of a problem is the minimum complexity of the algorithms solving the problem

Problem complexity & NP-completeness

Complexity classes

  • Equivalence classes between algorithms and problems
  • Dijkstra, BFS, DFS are polynomial algorithms for finding paths (problems of class P)
  • Some problems cannot be solved with a known polynomial algorithm, e.g, the traveling salesman problem (NP-complete problem)

The traveling salesman problem

Problem description

Find the shortest path that goes through all locations

The traveling salesman problem

Step 1: abstract useless details

Find the shortest route that goes through all vertices of a complete graph

Bruteforce & backtracking to solve NP-complete problems

Step 2: test every permutation

  • Note – This boils down to performing a DFS per branch

Bruteforce & backtracking to solve NP-complete problems

Step 2 (alternative): test (nearly) every permutation

  • Number of skipped branches depend on quality of the first explored ones
  • This doesn’t change the (worst-case) complexity

Recap of the session

Main elements to remember

  • Algorithms can be compared according to their complexity

  • Problem complexity is determined by the best algorithm to solve it

  • There are some very hard to solve problems, like TSP

  • Such problems can only be solved by testing all possible solutions

Recap of the session

What’s next?

Practical activity (~2h30)

Catch multiple pieces of cheese

  • Program the TSP (+ backtracking)
  • Use Dijkstra or BFS as a basis

After the session

  • Review the articles of the session
  • Check your understanding with the quiz
  • Complete the practical activity
  • Check next session’s “Before the class” section


  • Evaluated quiz to start next session!