Human-centered production and logistics systems of the future | Eric Grosse, Fabio Sgarbossa, Daria Battini, Christoph Glock, W. Patrick Neumann | 8ph4k | 
Disassembly 4.0 | Eren Özceylan | nw929 | 
Intelligent algorithms on modern scheduling under industry 4.0 environment | Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu, Zhaojie Wang, Zhixin Wang | d4a33 | 
Intelligent methods and tools supporting decision making in manufacturing systems and supply chains | Enzo Morosini Frazzon, Michael Freitag, Carlos Eduardo Pereira | ffm51 | 
Blockchain in the operations and supply chain management | Samuel Fosso Wamba, Maciel M. Queiroz, Yingli Wang | dwv5k | 
Robotic assembly of non-rigid objects | Sigal Berman, Miriam Zacksenhouse | r9k33 | 
Challenges for modelling, management and control in silver economy | David Bogataj, Alenka Temeljotov Salaj | 217u3 | 
Emerging modeling methods and algorithms in health management with uncertainties | Peng Jiang, Luo Li, Xiuju Fu, PIAO CHEN, Qingyi Wang | 47w31 | 
Challenges and opportunities in applying additive manufacturing in supply chains | Mirco Peron, SERENA FINCO, Francesco Lolli, Fabio Sgarbossa, Dmitry Ivanov | 5x7hd | 
Reconfigurable production system for dynamic manufacturing environment | Rajeev Agrawal | 925d6 | 
Viable and reconfigurable supply chains, intertwined supply networks and ecosystems | Dmitry Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Weiwei Chen, Jennifer Blackhurst | 568q3 | 
Implementing digital-twin in manufacturing and logistics systems: new trends and challenges | Serena Finco, Mirco Peron, Olga Battaïa, Xavier Delorme | ynn5u | 
Integrating human factors and ia in the context of industry 4.0 | Alexandre Dolgui, Houda Tlahig, Ilhem Slama, Rim Slama, Oussama Ben-Ammar, Pierre Slangen | kg6pg | 
Ontology-based development of industrial systems | Rebeca Arista Rangel, Joachim Lentes, Dimitris Kiritsis | r4377 | 
The applications of Bayesian networks in manufacturing, supply chain, and logistics. | Ming Liu, Feng Chu, Zhongzheng Liu | 7881n | 
Dynamic evolution characteristics of industrial chain and supply chain in the context of carbon emission reduction under Industry 4.0 | Junhai Ma | hb29i | 
Machine learning and IOT applications (MALIOT-APPS ’22) | El Fazziki Aziz, Jihad Zahir | 65i5p | 
Lean and six sigma in services healthcare | Christiane Lima Barbosa, Robisom Calado, Luis Fernando Torres, José Ricardo De Souza Ramos | 1g5x2 | 
Supply chain resilience and viability | Daria Battini, Riccardo Aldrighetti, Alexandre Dolgui, Dmitry Ivanov | 6a9a1 | 
Modelling and optimization of deterioring inventories | Davide Castellano, Christoph Glock, Yacine Rekik, Fabio Sgarbossa | 4w728 | 
Industrial robotics: modeling, control and applications | Alexandr Klimchik, Anatol Pashkevich | 51r68 | 
From document-based to data and AI-based through model-based System Engineering: challenges and issues, works and results, perspectives | Vincent Chapurlat, Eric Bonjour, Alessandro Golkar, Pascale Marange, Victor Richet | ax3an | 
Data-driven management in sustainable supply chains | Meimei Zheng, Xiao Liu, Peng Jiang, Yong Zeng, Xue-Ming Yuan | napk5 | 
Modelling and control of sustainable production taking into account the system reliability | Sadok Turki, Zied Hajej, Oussama Ben-Ammar, Ilhem Slama, Alexandre Dolgui, Nidhal Rezg | pu629 | 
Big data analytics and machine intelligence for management decision-making in complex systems | Wei Qin, Xinyu Li, Pai Zheng, Runyang Zhong | txmue | 
Operators 4.0 and human-technology integration in smart manufacturing and logistics environment | Chiara Cimini, Alexandra Lagorio, Valentina Di Pasquale, David Romero, Johan Stahre, Mirco Moencks | 1iu23 | 
The ripple effect, supply chain viability and COVID-19 pandemic | Dmitry Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Mohan Sodhi, Aseem Kinra | fc654 | 
Digital Supply Chain | Dmitry Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Tsan-Ming Choi, Bin Shen | a87n1 | 
A study on the influential factors of Wechat user’s willingness to accept advertisement In Wechat moments | Yichen Wang, Ge Gao | 863rv | 
Preparation study on changes of domestic fresh post-epidemic consumption behavior in post-epidemic era in china | Yichen Wang, Ge Gao | a3e82 | 
Industry 4.0 and tradeoff between efficiency and resilience | Anas Iftikhar, Ilaria Giannoccaro, Giovanni Francesco Massari, Imran Ali | x9abi | 
Artificial intelligence and data science for smart decision making in manufacturing | Kim Phuc Tran, Sébastien Thomassey, Sondes Chaabane | 6pk45 | 
Integrated planning and scheduling in engineer-to-order industrial contexts | Adnene Hajji, Monia Rekik, Robert Pellerin, Anas Neumann | mwgq5 | 
Technological advancements to support humanitarian aid | Hossein Baharmand | jt48m | 
Data-driven manufacturing decision making | Simon Thevenin | 2x2jy | 
Digital twins in cyber-physical production systems | Olivier Cardin, Elisa Negri, Karel Kruger, Vincent Cheutet | 9r4ed | 
Knowledge and sensing services for the factory of the future applications | Mario Lezoche, Yasamin Eslami, Chiara Franciosi | dpd69 | 
Decision analytics and digitization for end-to-end supply chain transformation | Manoj K Tiwari, Alok Choudhary | 1k3kp | 
City logistics in the age of sustainability and sharing economy | Adel Elomri, Roberto Baldacci, Laoucine Kerbache, Chefi Triki | cp39s | 
Circular principles and industry 4.0 technologies for supply chain management in Covid-19 era | Anass Cherrafi, Abla Chaouni Benabdellah, Kamar Zekhnini, Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes | ak277 | 
Dynamic capabilities for viable digital supply chain performance | Abla Chaouni Benabdellah, Kamar Zekhnini, Anass Cherrafi, Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes | 8rw25 | 
Risk and resilience in the era of Industry 4.0 | Maryam Gallab, Hafida Bouloiz, Mario Di Nardo, Reda Tajini, Aziz Soulhi | b74qa | 
Natural language processing in production and supply chain management | Samir Lamouri, Robert Pellerin | nds37 | 
Industry 4.0 and sustainability: applications and research about environmental, social and economic benefits from the fourth Industrial revolution | Eleonora Bottani, Giuseppe Vignali, Roberta Stefanini | a166q | 
Green, agile and resilient supply chains and manufacturing systems | Eleonora Bottani, Marta Rinaldi, Marcello Fera | 3rm66 | 
Advanced multi-criteria applications in manufacturing and logistics | Lyes Benyoucef, Hichem Haddou Benderbal, Abdelhakim Khatab | px1cu | 
Advanced fuzzy logic applications in manufacturing and logistics | Lyes Benyoucef, Hichem Haddou Benderbal, Abdelhakim Khatab | w39y6 | 
Recent advances in sustainable manufacturing | Hichem Haddou Benderbal, Magdalena Paul, Lyes Benyoucef, Susanne Vernim | mu724 | 
Advances in reliability and maintenance modelling of sustainable manufacturing-distribution systems | Claver Diallo, Abdelhakim Khatab, Lyes Benyoucef, El-Houssaine Aghezzaf, Uday Venkatadri | 5mks1 | 
Resilience of cyber-physical production systems in industry 4.0: issues, modelling, implementation and evaluation | Sondes Chaabane, Virginie Goepp, Lamia Berrah, Saber Darmoul | 6ub2g | 
E-health monitoring system: AI applied to anomaly detection | Youssef Trardi, Samia Mellah, Guillaume Graton | 5p5n5 | 
Emerging challenges for robotics and autonomous systems in the industry 4 environment | Allahyar Montazeri, Jafar Zarei | a93ey | 
Blockchain impact in operations and supply chain management | Maher Agi | end2r | 
Sustainable scheduling | Nathalie Grangeon, Marie-Ange Manier, David Lemoine | 2msa7 | 
Hybrid approaches for production planning and scheduling | Alexis Aubry, Pascale Marange, Nathalie Grangeon, Marie-Ange Manier, David Lemoine | gvs4v | 
Supply chain 4.0 and machine learning | Monalisha Pattnaik | vj526 | 
Supply chain and logistics networks under pandemics situations | Mehrdad Mohammadi | b7dg5 | 
Data-driven meta-heuristics to solve combinatorial optimization problems | Mehrdad Mohammadi, Maryam Karimi Mamaghan | 67yyt | 
Remanufacturing for circularity concern | Fabio Fruggiero, Angelos Markopoulos, Mozafar Saadat, Mario Caterino, Yassine Ouazene | 1avw3 | 
Integration of unmanned aerial vehicles to the management and control of manufacturing systems | Dimitris Mourtzis, George-Christopher Vosniakos | 4gy7v | 
Data-driven methods for supply chain optimization | Guillaume Massonnet, Fabien Lehuédé, Stefan Minner, Alexandre Dolgui | 3w83e | 
Advancing the research dialogue in operations management: lessons from the covid-19 | Rameshwar Dubey, David J. Bryde, Gary Graham, Cyril Foropon, H. M. Belal | 4b448 | 
Advances in Prognostics and Health Management for Manufacturing | Dima El Jamal, Bouchra Ananou, Guillaume Graton, Mustapha Ouladsine | q4s2s | 
Recent advances of discrete optimization and scheduling | Alexander Lazarev, Egor Grishin, Nikolay Pravdivets, Nikolai Morozov, Darya Lemtyuzhnikova | e9238 | 
Reconfigurable, flexible or agile production systems to deal with a VUCA world | Xavier Delorme, Lyes Benyoucef, Susanne Vernim | 69r57 | 
Recent advances in smart and sustainable maintenance | Malgorzata Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, Alexandre Voisin, Chiara Franciosi, Irene Roda, Grzegorz Bocewicz | 7a519 | 
Efficient routing: models, algorithms, performance evaluation an practical applications
| Michael Khachay, Alexander Petunin, Chrysostomos Stylios | k48wu | 
The future of Interoperability in the enterprise of the future | Farouk Belkadi, Hervé Panetto | m7w4m | 
Modeling and control of dynamic systems with energy constraints: concepts and applications | Rosa Abbou, Said Amari, Eduardo Aranda Bircaire, Claude Martinez, Samia Maza | 6hc6r | 
Development of digital twins to mitigate major disruptive events: The postcovid era | Jose Antonio Marmolejo-Saucedo | wsevb | 
For a better integration of maintenance optimization issues in production management | Bruno Castanier, David Lemoine | 7c536 | 
Advances in the operationalization of Sustainable Development Goal 12 with Industry 4.0 enablers | Samira Keivanpour | 43a5d | 
Process optimization: Cases and Techniques Demonstrations | Marco Antonio Benvenga | y5673 | 
Maintenance-Free Factory: Concepts, Models and Innovative Approaches | Fazel Ansari, Wilfried Sihn, Robert Glawar | g387h | 
Industry 4.0 on a Shoestring: Low-cost approaches to Digitizing and Automating in Industrial Operations | Duncan Campbell McFarlane, Svetan Ratchev, Marco Macchi, Anandarup Mukherjee, German Terrazas, Lavindra de Silva | ww339 | 
Assembly line balancing and scheduling problems | Audrey Derrien, Alexandre Dolgui, Evgeny Gurevsky, Öncü Hazır | 59t97 | 
Replenishment planning and lot-sizing under uncertainty | Oussama Ben-Ammar, Alexandre Dolgui, Faicel Hnaien, Mohamed Aly Louly | km245 | 
Special session dedicated to the memory of Dr. Jean-Marie Proth | Chengbin Chu, Feng Chu, Alexandre Dolgui, Rakesh Nagi, Xiaolan Xie | w9ufx | 