Theme 4

Quantum Computing

By taking advantage of quantum physics, fully functioning quantum computers would be able to process extremely complex problems at speeds many times faster than modern machines. Although still in development, quantum technology may soon be able to solve complex problems that supercomputers can’t solve, or can’t solve quickly enough. The promise of new businesses and disruptive technologies is on the table. Major economic and scientific powers are entering the race.

  1. Quantum computing faces several major challenges, many of which relate to the unique properties of quantum mechanics and current limitations of the technology. How does it work? What are the problems?

  2. The technology is still in its early stages and faces challenges related to stability and scalability. What is actually available?

  3. Quantum computers could solve some complex problems much faster than traditional computers. In which areas in particular? Why?

  4. Cryptographers don’t sleep very well, but they have ideas, don’t they?


Tips for fast & efficient reading

The documentation on offer can be extensive, long and complex. Don’t panic. We can’t hope to have time and expertize to examine each article in detail during the session.

The body of a scientific article is made up of arguments, demonstrations and proofs, which is mandatory for other scientists, but perhaps not for the general public. This is why an Abstract is provided. It gives a general idea of the subject and the findings. That’s enough for a first reading level. (A second reading level will focus on the Introduction and Conclusion sections. And a third will delve into the body of the article.)

So, organize your reading time to cover the diversity of documents, without trying to go into too much detail in each one.

Readings to go further