Data structures


Presentation & objectives

Software are often a matter of data management. In addition to basic data types studied during the programming session 1 that allow to store one value only, more complex data structures will be manipulated in this session. Different strategies to store and manipulate data will be discussed, especially in terms of data management operations and computation cost. A data structure is defined through the operations it provides. One generally distinguishes between query (search, is empty) and modification operations (insert, delete, etc.).

According to the chosen data structure, these operations may have different computational costs. The choice of a data structure in a particular application context, thus depends on the operations that are the more frequently used.

Before the class

Technical requirements

To be able to start working on the activity, you should meet the following requirements:

During the class

Knowledge acquisition

To be able to start the practical activity efficiently, we will introduce some needed concepts at the beginning of the class. To save you some time, we will present you a few slides, that you can find hereafter:

These slides only cover the main elements of the course, and many more details are given in the associated articles, that you should study in details:

You can verify your understanding of these articles here:

Practical activity

The rest of the class is dedicated to a practical activity. When ready, click on the link below to start:

After the class

Complete the current session

Before the next session, you should:

  • Review the contents of the articles above.
  • Complete the non-optional parts of the practical activity.

Prepare the next session

Also, you should:

  • Check the “Before the class” section of the next session, and make sure you do everything required to prepare it.