Self-assessment quiz
Presentation & objectives
The following quizzes are here to help you check that you understood the articles you had to study. They are provided for self-assessment and will not be graded or stored.
Don’t hesitate to reach out on the Discord server for any precision/explanation!
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# The traveling salesman problem
In graph theory, the TSP corresponds to...
- [ ] A problem in which we aim to find the shortest path from a vertex u to a vertex v in a weighted graph.
- [ ] The Team Supporting PyRat (TSP).
- [x] A problem in which we aim to find the shortest route going through all vertices of a weighted graph from an initial vertex.
# The traveling salesman problem
Reducing a problem $P$ to a problem $Q$ involves...
- [ ] Finding the entries of problem $P$ for which $Q$ gives the same outputs.
- [ ] Keeping the part of $P$ that is simpler than $Q$.
- [x] Finding a way to solve $P$ using any algorithm designed to solve $Q$.
# The traveling salesman problem
The TSP processes an input that is best described as...
- [x] A complete weighted graph and an initial vertex.
- [ ] An unweighted tree and a root vertex.
- [ ] A tetrahedron.
# The traveling salesman problem
Which of the following statements define the Traveling Salesman Problem?
- [ ] To find the shortest cycle in a weighted graph from an initial vertex.
- [x] To find the shortest route going through all vertices of a weighted graph from an initial vertex.
- [ ] To find a minimum spanning tree on a weighted graph from an initial vertex.
# The traveling salesman problem
Consider a situation in which we are interested in the complexity of algorithms that operate on graphs as a function of the order $n$ of these graphs.
Check the following problems that can be reduced to finding a shortest path between two vertices $u$ and $v$ in a weighted graph:
- [x] Finding a shortest path between two vertices $u$ and $v$ in an unweighted graph.
- [ ] The TSP.
- [x] Checking if there is a path between two vertices $u$ and $v$ in a weighted graph.
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# Bruteforce and backtracking to solve NP-complete problems
A bruteforce algorithm...
- [x] Is an algorithm that finds solutions by testing all possibilities exhaustively.
- [x] Is guaranteed to find exact solutions.
- [ ] Is an algorithm that finds the least complex solution without checking if it is correct.
# Bruteforce and backtracking to solve NP-complete problems
A backtracking algorithm for the TSP...
- [x] Iteratively examines the lengths of routes and immediately aborts examination of a route that is longer than the shortest found so far.
- [x] Is guaranteed to find the shortest route.
- [ ] Randomly explores only a subset of all routes and outputs the shortest route of the subset, but is not guaranteed to find the shortest route among all possible ones.
# Bruteforce and backtracking to solve NP-complete problems
We consider using a backtracking algorithm for the TSP.
Which of the following are true?
- [x] The complexity of backtracking may be linear for some graphs.
- [x] The order in which vertices are explored has an important influence on overall execution time.
- [ ] Backtracking is based on a BFS.
# Bruteforce and backtracking to solve NP-complete problems
When solving the TSP using backtracking, which of the following statements are true?
- [x] The exploration of the current branch is aborted if the length of the partial route is greater than the best route found so far.
- [x] In the best case, only the first branch has been fully explored.
- [x] If branches are explored in decreasing length order, then we explore as many solutions as the simple exhaustive search.
# Bruteforce and backtracking to solve NP-complete problems
We consider the use of a backtracking algorithm to solve the TSP.
Which of the following statements are true?
- [x] On a weighted graph in which all weights are equal, backtracking will be at least as costly as a bruteforce search.
- [ ] If interrupted before the end, a solution estimated by backtracking will always be strictly inferior to the true answer.
- [x] The order in which vertices are explored has an important influence on overall execution time.
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# Problem complexity & NP-completeness
The complexity of a problem is defined as...
- [x] The minimum complexity of the algorithms used to solve the problem.
- [ ] The maximum complexity of the algorithms used to solve the problem.
- [ ] The average complexity of the algorithms used to solve the problem.
# Problem complexity & NP-completeness
To solve NP problems, you often need to use algorithms with...
- [ ] Linear complexity.
- [ ] Quadratic complexity.
- [x] Exponential complexity.
# Problem complexity & NP-completeness
The traveling salesman problem is an NP-Complete problem.
- [x] True.
- [ ] False.
# Problem complexity & NP-completeness
Consider a problem for which we have a solution algorithm with complexity $O(n^2)$.
Select the correct statements:
- [x] The complexity of the problem cannot be higher than $n^2$.
- [ ] There is not an algorithm that can solve the problem with complexity $O(n)$.
- [ ] The complexity of the problem is $O(n^2)$.
- [ ] The problem is at least as difficult as the TSP.
# Problem complexity & NP-completeness
The complexity of a problem is...
- [ ] The maximum complexity of an algorithm used to solve it.
- [x] The minimum complexity of an algorithm used to solve it.