Self-assessment quiz
Presentation & objectives
The following quizzes are here to help you check that you understood the articles you had to study. They are provided for self-assessment and will not be graded or stored.
Don’t hesitate to reach out on the Discord server for any precision/explanation!
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# Heuristics
A heuristic algorithm is used to...
- [x] More quickly solve problems when classical methods are too slow to find an exact solution.
- [ ] Improve the optimal solution produced by an exact algorithm.
- [ ] Deteriorate the quality of the solution when it is too good to be true.
# Heuristics
A good heuristic must...
- [ ] Provide no solution when the problem is too complex to be solved.
- [x] Provide a gain and be of limited complexity.
- [ ] Find the optimal solution, even for the most complex problems, in a few milliseconds.
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# Greedy algorithms
Which statements best describe a greedy algorithm?
- [x] It is an algorithm that follows locally optimal solutions.
- [ ] It is an algorithm that operates on graphs only.
- [ ] It is an algorithm that has very limited complexity.
# Greedy algorithms
Which of the following statements are true?
- [ ] A greedy algorithm is in all cases not optimal.
- [x] For some problems, a greedy algorithm can be non-optimal.
- [ ] There is only one greedy algorithm to solve a given problem.
# Greedy algorithms
We consider the greedy algorithm that always choose to jump to the closest unexplored vertex to solve the TSP.
Which of the following statements is true?
- [ ] The solution found by a greedy algorithm is always optimal.
- [x] The solution found by a greedy algorithm may or may not be optimal.
- [ ] The solution found by a greedy algorithm is never optimal.
# Greedy algorithms
Which of the following paths can be obtained when applying a greedy algorithm that jumps to the closest vertex and starts from vertex $v_0$?
- [ ] $(\{v_0, v_1\}, \{v_1, v_2\}, \{v_2, v_3\}, \{v_3, v_4\})$.
- [x] $(\{v_0, v_4\}, \{v_1, v_4\}, \{v_1, v_3\}, \{v_2, v_3\})$.
- [x] $(\{v_0, v_3\}, \{v_1, v_3\}, \{v_1, v_4\}, \{v_2, v_4\})$.
# Greedy algorithms
Consider the problem of finding a longest path in a given weighted graph, starting at vertex $u$.
To solve it, we can adopt the greedy approach of systematically choosing an unexplored edge $\{v, v'\}$ of maximum weight from the current vertex $v$, then jumping to the corresponding vertex $v'$, until there are no such edges left.
Which of the following statements are true?
- [ ] This greedy algorithm is optimal (it always outputs the longest path).
- [x] This greedy algorithm outputs a path starting at $u$.
- [x] This greedy algorithm always finishes (it cannot iterate endlessly).
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# Approximate solutions
An approximate solution is used...
- [x] Whenever exact solutions are not feasible in practice.
- [x] To speed up the computations compared to exact solutions.
# Approximate solutions
A Pareto optimal is...
- [ ] A solution that minimizes both speed and correctness.
- [x] An optimal trade-off between speed and correctness.
- [ ] A solution that maximises correctness, irrespective of speed.
- [ ] A solution that maximizes both speed and correctness.
# Approximate solutions
A Pareto frontier...
- [ ] Delimits algorithms with high and low complexity.
- [x] Delimits trade-offs between complexity and correctness.
# Approximate solutions
A Pareto optimal is...
- [ ] A solution that minimizes both speed and correctness.
- [x] An optimal tradeoff between speed and correctness.