Practical activity


Presentation & objectives

In this activity, you will write a PyRat program that challenges an opponent in a maze. Contrary to previous activities, we do not give you any directions.

Activity contents

1 — Write your own PyRat program

The goal of this activity is to write a program that can challenge an opponent in a PyRat game. To reach this objective, you have many possible directions:

  • Check the “To go further” and “To go beyond” sections of the various articles and past sessions for ideas.
  • Leverage what you have been doing before, and improve your existing codes.
  • Check the internet for existing solutions for similar games.
  • Be inventive, and think of your own solution!

We strongly encourage you to test your program in the tournament configuration presented on the session main page.


While the final evaluation assesses your ideas and inventivity, and does not require a working code, we still ask you to work on a program during this activity. Indeed, this will be useful in two aspects:

  • You will face practical problems, which may enrich your presentation.
  • You may end up with a great program for the final PyRat tournament!

To go further

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Anything you would have liked to see here? Let us know on the Discord server! Maybe we can add it quickly. Otherwise, it will help us improve the course for next year!

To go beyond

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Anything you would have liked to see here? Let us know on the Discord server! Maybe we can add it quickly. Otherwise, it will help us improve the course for next year!