Self-assessment quiz
Presentation & objectives
The following quizzes are here to help you check that you understood the articles you had to study. They are provided for self-assessment and will not be graded or stored.
Don’t hesitate to reach out on the Discord server for any precision/explanation!
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# Combinatorial game theory
In the context of combinatorial game theory, what does an arena refer to?
- [ ] An enclosed area that is often circular in shape.
- [x] A graph in which each vertex summarizes a possible state of the game, and edges describe how to evolve from one state to another.
- [ ] A graph in which each vertex is a player.
- [ ] The online version of Magic: the Gathering.
# Combinatorial game theory
What is a strategy?
- [x] A function that associates a vertex in the arena with a decision for a given player.
- [ ] A rooted tree.
- [ ] A function that computes an approximate solution to the TSP.
# Combinatorial game theory
Tic-tac-toe is a game where two players successively choose one empty cell of a $3 \times 3$ grid to be filled with their respective color.
The first player to have three aligned cells (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) of the same color wins the game.
Describe what a vertex in the arena of tic-tac-toe could look like:
- [ ] A couple $(i, j)$ where $1 \leq i$ and $j \leq 3$.
- [x] A partially colored $3 \times 3$ grid with an indication of which player should play next.
- [ ] A list of the empty cells.
# Combinatorial game theory
Imagine a game in which the arena contains $n$ vertices.
Consider that a player has exactly 3 possible actions from each vertex of the arena.
What is the maximum number of possible strategies?
- [ ] $n$.
- [ ] $3n$.
- [ ] $n^3$.
- [x] $3^n$.
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# Computing winning positions in a game
In a game, what does a winning strategy refer to?
- [ ] A strategy in which some choices of the opponent may lead to victory.
- [x] A strategy in which all possible choices of the opponent leads to victory.
# Computing winning positions in a game
What is the winning region of a game for a player?
- [x] The vertices in the arena from which the player has a winning strategy.
- [ ] The set of strategies of the opponent against which the player has a winning strategy.
- [ ] The number of possible games that are won by the player.
# Computing winning positions in a game
Which player(s) have a winning strategy in a game of tic-tac-toe?
- [ ] Both players.
- [ ] The first one to play.
- [ ] The second one to play.
- [x] None of them.
# Computing winning positions in a game
Imagine that we play a game on a graph.
We start with a graph containing n vertices and no edges.
On each turn, a player must add an edge to the graph.
The first player to add an edge that forms a triangle (*i.e.*, there exists $v1$, $v2$, $v3$ such that $\{v1, v2\}$, $\{v2, v3\}$, $\{v1, v3\}$ are edges) wins the game.
For which values of $n$ does the first player to add an edge have a winning strategy?
- [ ] Never.
- [ ] When the integer division of $n$ by 2 is even.
- [x] When the integer division of $n$ by 2 is odd.