DECART: Designing higher Education Curricula for Agility, Resilience & Transformations

A two-day event (10-11 October 2023) celebrating Erasmus Days was held at Institut Teknologi Del (IT Del). “Let’s build 21st century skills” became the theme of this event. 21st century skills are essential in facing VUCA world. Around 100 people including lecturers and students attended this event.

Acara dua hari (10 dan 11 Oktober 2023) dalam rangka Hari Erasmus berlangsung di Institut Teknologi Del (IT Del). “Membangun keterampilan abad 21” menjadi tema acara ini. Keterampilan abad ke-21 sangat penting untuk menghadapi dunia VUCA. Sekitar seratus orang, termasuk guru dan siswa, menghadiri acara ini.