DECART: Designing higher Education Curricula for Agility, Resilience & Transformations




Designing higher Education Curricula for Agility, Resilience & Transformations

VUCA scenarii to assess agility and resilience

IMT is a member of the alliance EULiST, European Universities Linking Society and Technology, part of the “European Universities” initiative launched by the European Commission, to modernise higher education in Europe in a comprehensive and sustainable manner.

DECART project is an international cooperation partnership, including France, Iceland, Indonesia, Lithuania, and South Africa. The primary goal is to allow partner’s organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their curriculum activities, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas in curriculum design, with a focus on resilience and transformation.


The DECART project proposes a framework and tools to guide STEM & Management educational leaders in original curriculum design and programme transformations according to unpredictable VUCA contexts. As such the project aims to identify and share innovative curricula between project partners and some international associated partners, to propose models and processes for curriculum change and transformations, as to assess and improve interoperability and resilience of curricula.


DECART implements and operates 3 collaborative Intensive programmes for higher education programme leaders from the partnership, conducts quantitative and/or qualitative analysis, and reflects on original curriculum structures and properties. For external communication and dissemination, both onsite and online multiplier events are organized close to the end of the project to share the methodological results and tools, so as to confront and promote innovative curricula design thinking and transformations.


DECART delivers several reports which include shared understanding of curriculum structures in partner countries, VUCA scenarii to assess agility and resilience, as guidelines for curriculum design and transformations. A common Body of Knowledge is delivered, including change & transformation processes to inspire programme leaders. Learning materials with guidelines are produced (co-design and leadership workshops, crisis serious games), aside publications, brochure, and videos.

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The European Commission support for this website communication does not constitute an endorsement of its contents which reflects the DECART partners views only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.