Self-assessment quiz

Presentation & objectives

The following quizzes are here to help you check that you understood the articles you had to study. They are provided for self-assessment and will not be graded or stored.

Don’t hesitate to reach out on the Discord server for any precision/explanation!


--- shuffle: true --- # Programming paradigms What is a programming paradigm? - [x] A method or style of programming that defines a set of principles, techniques, and patterns for structuring code to solve problems on a computer. - [ ] A programming language used for solving complex problems. - [ ] A set of programming concepts that focus on data manipulation. - [ ] A set of programming concepts and techniques for optimizing code performance. # Programming paradigms What is one advantage of procedural programming? - [x] Program modularity and ease of code reuse and maintenance. - [ ] Improved code performance. - [ ] Enhanced data manipulation capabilities. - [ ] Simplified debugging process.
--- shuffle: true --- # Object-oriented programming What is object-oriented programming (OOP)? - [x] A programming paradigm based on the concept of objects. - [ ] A programming paradigm based on the concept of functions. - [ ] A programming paradigm based on the concept of variables. - [ ] A programming paradigm based on the concept of arrays. # Object-oriented programming What problem did the object-oriented programming paradigm aim to solve? - [x] The difficulty of creating and maintaining programs to solve increasingly complex problems. - [ ] The need for faster code execution. - [ ] The documentation of code. - [x] The lack of code modularity and reusability. # Object-oriented programming What is an object? - [x] An abstraction of a real-world entity involved in the execution of a program. - [ ] A collection of variables. - [ ] A collection of functions. - [ ] A module defining a set of functions and variables. # Object-oriented programming What is a class? - [x] An entity that defines the structure and behavior of a family of objects. - [ ] An entity that defines the structure and behavior of a single object. - [ ] An entity that defines the structure and behavior of a collection of variables. - [ ] An entity that defines the structure and behavior of a collection of functions. # Object-oriented programming What is encapsulation? - [x] The principle of hiding or protecting the state of an object. - [ ] The principle of exposing the state of an object. - [ ] The principle of hiding or protecting the state of a class. - [ ] The principle of exposing the state of a class. # Object-oriented programming What is inheritance? - [x] The ability of one class to acquire properties and methods from another class. - [ ] The process of creating new objects. - [ ] The ability to use multiple functions in a class. - [ ] The method of storing data within an object. If a class _Dog_ inherits from class _Animal_, which class is the superclass (or parent class)? - [ ] _Dog_ - [x] _Animal_ - [ ] Both are superclasses - [ ] Neither