Discover the project and the PyRat software


Presentation & objectives

In this session, you will discover the PyRat software, that will be used for the project. You will first be guided in its installation, and will then follow a short tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn what a PyRat game is, how to start a game, and how to control a player in a game.

At the end of this session, you should have all the needed elements to start working on the project. You should also have written your first PyRat program, that moves randomly in a maze.

Before the class

Technical requirements

To be able to start working on the activity, you should meet the following requirements:

Prior knowledge acquisition

As mentioned in the main project page, the project will be organized in flipped classes. For this first session, you had nothing to prepare before arriving in class. However, for the next session, you will find here a list of articles to study.


Studying these articles in advance is very important so that you can work practically on the project during the classes. Also, sessions will start with an evaluated quiz (see main project page for details).

During the class

Project presentation

Before anything, we will take a moment to present you the project. Here are the slides used in class:

Join a group

Before you start working on the practical activity, please do the following:

  • Take a few minutes to discuss with other students, and create a group of 3 students of approximately the same level in computer science as you.
  • Notify your teacher of the names of students in your group.

Practical activity

The class is dedicated to a practical activity. When ready, go sit with your group and click on the link below to start:

After the class

Complete the current session

Before the next session, you should:

  • Make sure that you have a group, and notify your teacher.
  • Make sure that PyRat is installed and works correctly.
  • Complete the non-optional parts of the practical activity.

Prepare the next session

Also, you should:

  • Check the “Before the class” section of the next session, and make sure you do everything required to prepare it.
  • The next session will start with an evaluated quiz to check that you have understood the articles.