DECART: Designing higher Education Curricula for Agility, Resilience & Transformations

Paper presentation by DECART members at the 19th International CDIO Conference 2023

Three DECART members (Siegfried Rouvrais, Cecile Gerwel Proches, and Haraldur Audunsson) presented a paper on VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) and Resilience in Engineering Education at NTNU University in Trondheim in June 2023. The members from RWTH Aachen from the Gender and Diversity in Engineering Research Group, gave a really good hand on the paper’s resilience aspects. The conference had around 300 participants, primarily consisting of program leaders, pedagogics, and educators. The presentation marked the initial impact on DECART’s objectives, curriculum design, and resilience.

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