DECART: Designing higher Education Curricula for Agility, Resilience & Transformations

DECART Activity at CDIO in Tunisia 2024

The 20th International CDIO Conference was hosted by ESPRIT University in Tunis, Tunisia, in June 2024. The main theme of the conference was “Engineering Education in the Era of AI,” which is highly relevant to the DECART project. At the conference, Haraldur presented the paper Factors that May Impact Curriculum Design in Higher Education in a VUCA World. This paper was authored by a team from the DECART project, including Haraldur, Asrun, Arlinta, Siegfried, Roger, and Cecile. The paper is based on the online surveys conducted as part of WP1 in the DECART project.

During the Q&A session following the presentation, most questions focused on potential VUCA-like scenarios and why there was not more concern about electricity. Asrun also participated in the CDIO conference.

Working Group at the CDIO 2024 Conference

Haraldur participated in a full-day workshop on University of the Future, part of a series of workshops exploring this concept. DECART members Cecile and Haraldur had also participated in an earlier workshop on this concept at the CDIO conference last year in Trondheim, Norway. There are similar threads in these two projects, making it highly beneficial for the DECART team to learn from the University of the Future project. The workshop in Tunisia focused on:

  • The main scenario for the university of 2050.
  • Discussions on the change processes needed to move toward this future, including the roadmap and potential hurdles.

The workshop featured dynamic discussions, teamwork, and presentations of the group work.

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